To: Parents and Students of SHS
From: Jim O’Connor
Re: Welcome Back
The summer has flown by and it is once again time for school to begin. I hope that you had an
enjoyable and fruitful summer. The first day of school this year will be on Tuesday, August
20th. The school day begins at 8:00 AM and will dismiss at 3:57 PM on Monday through
Thursday. The school calendar can be found on the District website at .
We are welcoming two new staff members this fall. Ms. Sarah Seamands our new Physical
Science teacher and Ms. Rebecca Maupin our new English teacher. Please take time to stop and
introduce yourself and welcome them to the building.
We will be holding Orientation for all incoming 7th graders and new students and their parents
on the evening of Thursday, August 15; all other students and parents are welcome to attend.
The Open House will begin in the Auditorium at 6:00 PM. During this time the students may
pick up their schedule and become familiar with the building and their lockers. We will provide
time for students and parents to meet with teachers and discuss the class expectations and
I would like to remind you that all school policies are outlined in the student handbook which is
posted online. You can find the handbook on the Crook County Website at under
Sundance Secondary. I encourage you to go through the handbook and become familiar with the
policies. The change that will have the most influence on students is when they miss a day of
school they get two (2) days to make it up, students will have a maximum of 4 school days (this is
a change) to make up work if they exceed 3 or more days absence. Please remind your students
that we are not allowing students to have cell phones in class. If they need to make a call, they
should do it in an appropriate manner and at an appropriate time, students may use their
phones before school, at lunch and after school. We understand that it is difficult to feel out of
touch, however, if you need to get a message to your student, please feel free to call the office 283-
1007, and the message will be delivered. There will be medical needs for students to have their
phones that will be covered with either a 504 plan or an IEP. Some of the difficulties we face
with almost 200 cell phones being used include the possibility of:
-Students taking pictures in the classroom of other students without permission and
posting them on social media.
-Students continuously taking phones out during class and in locker rooms.
-Students taking pictures/videos and posting on TikTok during the school day.
-Students watching movies/listening to music while in class.
-Students participating in group texts/chats during the day to make fun of other
kids and teachers.
If you have any questions or concerns please feel free to contact me.
Golf practice kicks off on Monday, August 12 at 8 AM at the Sundance Golf Course. All other
fall activities begin on August 19. You need to have a physical before your first practice for all
sports grades 6 – 12. You can find our practice schedule on our Face Book page.
Research shows that students need at least 8 hours of sleep a day to be successful student. This
requires that students don’t spend all night gaming or on social media. We ask your help in
trying to make that happen for our students. We are in this together to help all students be as
successful as possible.
Research shows that student attendance is a primary contributor to student success. Students
are allowed to miss 8 days a semester. In accordance with the school handbook, the school sends
notification letters to the parent at 4 absences in a class, 6 absences in a class and at 8 absences.
Students are allowed 5 tardies, after 5 students will have lunch detention or Friday school
depending upon the number of tardies.
I look forward to another new school year; it is always an exciting time and a chance for a fresh
start. I challenge you all to try to make it this year better than last. Challenge yourself to make
this a beneficial and productive year. It can be as rewarding as you make it.
Mr. O’Connor
Sundance Secondary